
ARSA is the voice of the aviation maintenance industry on Capitol Hill. In addition to representing your interests in the legislative process, ARSA’s lobbying team has a wealth of knowledge and resources to help you and your employees get personally engaged to influence Congress. The Association’s legislative program is your resource for information about the aviation maintenance industry’s policy priorities and advocacy best practices. ARSA’s robust legislative efforts complement our renowned regulatory expertise.

Our overarching goal is to enact legislation that creates a more favorable economic climate for repair stations and to beat back efforts to unnecessarily drive up repair station costs of doing business or undermine free trade in aviation maintenance services. We work to ensure your company can operate free from congressional micromanagement in an environment that fosters growth. The Association’s legislative team makes sure that lawmakers understand the consequences of their actions on your business.

We advance your interests by:

  • Educating policymakers about the contract maintenance industry’s contributions to flight safety, airline efficiency, and economic growth.
  • Monitoring legislation and alerting our members to new threats.
  • Meeting with lawmakers and congressional staff to explain our industry’s position on key issues.
  • Participating in congressional hearings.
  • Participating in industry coalitions to advance common interests.
  • Providing information and resource to our members to help them influence the policy process.

Education (and Entertainment) On the Hill

There’s a lot that goes into making (or preventing) law on Capitol Hill. It takes decades to completely master the magic of Washington policymaking, but here’s a three-minute primer from the classic Schoolhouse Rock television series:

ARSA works hard to educate both policymakers and the general public about the vital role repair stations play not only in the global economy but in support of international aviation safety. To see a point-by-point breakdown of the myths and facts surrounding contract aviation maintenance, click here.

Get involved!

You are the critical element to the industry’s success! ARSA needs your help to get our message to lawmakers. Our legislative action center makes getting involved as easy as clicking a mouse. Visit here for information about how you can help promote the maintenance industry through grassroots action and political participation, including ARSA PAC. Click here to learn more.

Legislative issues

With lawmakers constantly scrutinizing the aviation maintenance industry, staying on top of developments in our nation’s capital is more important than ever. Click here to find information about ARSA’s legislative priorities.

Legislative Action Center

The ARSA Congressional Action Center is provided through the generous support of 2022 Annual Conference Sponsor Aircraft Electric Motors. AEM has long been committed to the association and service to the maintenance community through resources for engaging elected officials. Click here to access it and take action today.

Analyze to Advocate

Take advantage of ARSA’s data center for the most-recent economic reports, industry analysis and data. Inform yourself to best tell the story of aviation maintenance. Click here to see the resources.

Click here for to see ARSA’s archive of legislative news and updates.

2025 Annual Conference – Room Block Closing

March 18-21, 2025 Event Information | Registration | Sponsors | Hotel (Block Closing Soon) Arlington, Virginia and Washington, D.C. with Livestream Options Getting the most out of your participation in the Annual…Read More

ARSA Survey Invite Sent

On Feb. 21, an invitation to complete ARSA’s member survey was sent to the email address of every primary contact. The message was subjected “Invitation to Complete ARSA’s Annual Member…Read More

ARSA Helps CNBC Illustrate Career Development “Challenge”

On Feb. 14, CNBC published a 12 minute special addressing the workforce and career development challenges facing the maintenance industry. ARSA Executive Director Sarah MacLeod participated, lending a voice to…Read More

ARSA Joins Workforce Grant Application

On Feb. 5, the aviation non-profit Choose Aerospace, which administers ARSA’s annual scholarship in addition to providing a maintenance-focused curriculum for student and employee development programs, included the association on…Read More

ARSA Remembers – Hugh McElroy

Hugh McElroy, long time ARSA supporter and former board member who never stopped serving the aviation community, died on Feb. 2 after an 18 month battle with cancer. McElroy’s career…Read More