FAA Officials: Drug/Alcohol Rule Enforcement Philosophy Will Focus On Next-Level Tiers

Officials from the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Drug Abatement Division have clarified that the de facto enforcement policy behind the new drug and alcohol (D&A) testing program rule will focus…Read More

New FAA Guidance Changes Definition Of Aviation Maintenance, ARSA Says

Alexandria, Va., Sept. 1, 2006–The Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA) has asked the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to clarify several issues raised in recently released guidance supporting the drug &…Read More

ARSA Seeks Drug/Alcohol Rule Applicability Interpretation From FAA

Alexandria, Va., July 19, 2006: The Aeronautical Repair Station Association has requested a legal interpretation from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) related to the DOT/FAA drug and alcohol (D&A) testing…Read More

FAA Releases New Drug and Alcohol Testing Rule

The FAA has issued a final rule “clarifying” its drug and alcohol testing policies. Despite strong industry opposition to the changes affected by the new rule, the FAA is now…Read More

FAA, Industry Meet On Drug/Alcohol Rule Guidance

On July 12, 2006 the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) hosted representatives from key industry organizations, including ARSA, to discuss aspects of the new drug and alcohol testing (D&A) rule as…Read More