FAA Moving ADs to Dynamic Regulatory System

The FAA is continuing to decommission systems and migrate documents to its Dynamic Regulatory System (DRS). On Aug. 16, the agency will retire the following databases within the Regulatory Guidance…Read More

Make ARSA Training Work

ARSA’s online training program represents its most-valuable benefit to the aviation industry: knowledge gained through training and experience. The association’s team has turned its decades of work on behalf of…Read More

Showing Your Workforce

In partnership with Airlines for America and the Regional Airline Association, the association invites members to support new analysis of the aviation maintenance workforce. Oliver Wyman CAVOK, the aviation consulting…Read More

FAA Issues WebOPSS Access Workaround

The FAA will miss the June 15 deadline for updating its WebOPSS system to operate in the Microsoft Edge browser. Microsoft will decommission Internet Explorer, which was required for accessing…Read More

Pulling the Cord on Parachute ADs

Update: On May 17, ARSA provided a copy of its comments to to the Department of Transportation Office of General Counsel as follow up to its Dec. 3, 2021 letter…Read More