2020 – Edition 12 – Year in Review

the hotline 1984

Table of Contents

A Welcome New Year
December’s Work
2020 in Review
Upcoming Events

A Welcome New Year

By Brett Levanto, Vice President of Operations

Changing a date on the calendar doesn’t actually impact the state of the world. Last year earned its reputation, but just because “2020” doesn’t appear at the end of the date doesn’t mean its impact is over. Regardless of the year, each January provides a reminder for ARSA that “anything worth doing is worth doing again.” By building on success and learning from shortcomings, we get better every time around.

ARSA invites you to walk through some of the key events from last year. There were plenty of “anti-viral measures”, but as always the association’s work covered all corners of the maintenance industry’s interests. Below, after a few updates from December – we need to stay current, after all – you’ll see the pieces that best capture all the issues that deserved attention in 2020. 

Each story will take you to the hotline in which it appeared.


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December’s Work

2021 Annual Conference – Register Now

Registration Form | Event Information | Hotel Reservations

March 9-12, 2021
Washington, D.C., Arlington, Virginia & Online

Registration is now open for the 2021 ARSA Annual Conference. The association’s team is planning a “hybrid” event with both in-person and virtual attendance options.

The event will be hosted in and around Washington, D.C. from March 9-12, 2021. While the association works to ensure a valuable, substantively-enriching experience for all of its attendees, members and colleagues should plan now to participate in March.

ARSA has also begun its sponsorship campaign for the annual event. While past sponsors and supporters are already reserving their usual commitments, those interested in learning about how to invest in the association and highlight their own business should contact Vice President of Operations Brett Levanto.

For more information about the event, visit If you have general questions about the association’s plans or need assistance, contact ARSA


To submit a sponsorship commitment, register or change or cancel an existing registration, complete the following form. After submission you will be redirected to a separate completion page. If you attempt to submit the form and this page reloads, please check for errors in your entries (usually an item has been skipped accidentally) and resubmit.


Congress Passes New Pandemic Relief Bill

To keep tabs on all of ARSA’s work related to the current pandemic, visit

On Dec. 21, the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate both approved the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (H.R. 133, as amended). The legislation combines $900 billion in additional pandemic relief with $1.4 trillion in appropriations and includes policy from a host of other bills.

ARSA’s legislative team is reviewing the language of the bill (which came in at more than 5,000 pages), but can report on the following key elements:

Payroll Support Program

The bill extends the payroll support program created by the CARES Act for airlines and their contractors. Airlines will receive an additional $15 billion and contractors $1 billion. This is particularly significant given that contractors had been dropped from the payroll support program in a recent version of the bill. The engagement of many ARSA members and allies helped to resurrect the resource for the industry.

Paycheck Protection Program

The bill extends the paycheck protection program for small businesses. Businesses can obtain a second PPP loan (up to $2 million) if they have fewer than 300 employees (reduced from 500 employee threshold in CARES Act) and have seen a 25 percent drop in revenues as a result of the pandemic. The bill makes other changes intended to improve the program, including a streamlined forgiveness process for small loans.

Part 147 Reform

The bill contains the FAA certification reform legislation developed by the House Transportation & Infrastructure and Senate Commerce Committees to address issues identified in the Boeing MAX investigations (“the Aircraft Certification, Safety, and Accountability Act”). Legislation directing FAA to overhaul 14 CFR part 147 (the rule governing aviation technician schools) was added to the Senate version of the FAA bill during the Commerce markup and retained in the final omnibus bill. The PARTT 147 Act (which was sponsored by Sens. Inhofe, Moran and Duckworth and Reps. Young and Bustos) was the focus of an intense lobbying effort this summer by ARSA, the Aviation Technician Education Council, the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association and AAR.

Aviation Career Development Grant Programs

While the grant programs are not specifically addressed in the bill, the joint explanatory statement for the transportation appropriations portion of the omnibus states that, “Unless otherwise noted, the language set forth in House Report 116-452 carries the same weight as language included in this joint explanatory statement and should be complied with unless specifically addressed to the contrary in this joint explanatory statement.” House Report 116-452 states that, “the Committee provides $5,000,000 for the aviation maintenance technician development program and $5,000,000 for aviation workforce development program in accordance with section 625 of the FAA Reauthorization Act (P.L. 115-254).” ARSA is working to confirm our understanding that the grant programs will be fully funded for FY 2021. In related news, FAA is expected to shortly issue its notice of funding availability for the funds appropriated for FY 2020, which are still available despite the fact that FY 2020 ended on Sept. 30.

Taken as a whole, the bill is an imperfect but significant achievement and a vital bridge for the industry until Congress can do more in 2021.

Is you have specific questions or points of discussion related to the bill, contact ARSA Executive Vice President Christian Klein.

To review a PDF copy of H.R. 133 as amended, click here.


Report Underscores Need for Improved Repair Station Pandemic Relief

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has found that repair stations, airlines, ticket agents and defense contractors received less than half of the $46 billion in emergency loan money authorized for them by Congress in the CARES Act. In a new report titled “Financial Assistance: Lessons Learned from the CARES Act Loan Program for Aviation and Other Eligible Businesses,” the GAO determined that of the $21.9 billion in assistance provided through the targeted loan program, 95 percent went to airlines.

ARSA played a leading role in the CARES Act debate, which gave repair stations access to billions of dollars in loans and grants through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), the payroll support program for airlines and their contractors and the loan programs discussed in the GAO report. The CARES Act set aside $25 billion exclusively for repair stations, airlines and ticket agents. Some maintenance providers were also eligible for the $17 billion loan program created for businesses critical to maintaining national security. The loan programs expire this month.

According to the GAO, while 41 repair station operators applied to the U.S. Department of the Treasury for loans totaling $1.5 billion, ultimately, only five maintenance companies executed loans totaling $20 million. The GAO found the amount of time Treasury took to review applications and ultimately make loan offers, along with other challenges, resulted in relatively few smaller airlines, repair stations and ticket agents taking advantage of the program. 

The GAO identified a number a factors contributing the low utilization by eligible businesses, including Treasury’s prioritization of loans to airlines, delays in processing and evaluating applications, miscommunication about whether loan applicants should first consider sources of financing, and the loan program’s credit standards. The report also highlighted problems with a “one size fits all” approach when trying to serve both large, financially sophisticated companies and smaller businesses.

As the 116th Congress draws rapidly to a close, lawmakers are still debating another round of COVID relief. If Congress does manage to cobble together a last-minute deal, it will focus on renewing the PPP and payroll support programs rather authorizing any than major new economic support programs. Obtaining additional relief for repair stations is a top priority for ARSA in 2021.

For information about the GAO report, click here.


Head’s Up to FAA Repair Stations in UK on OpSpecs Update

FAA-certificated repair stations in the United Kingdom need to be aware that the next certificate renewal will bring a change to Operations Specifications paragraphs A101 and D107. The FAA Aircraft Maintenance Division issued Notice 8900.574 through the agency’s Flight Standards Information Management System (FSIMS; Order 8900.1) to inspectors assigned to repair stations located within the UK requiring the “non-mandatory revision” to the paragraphs when “the next new amendment is needed.”

This internal “requirement” for the “non-required” change to the Air Agency certificate ignores the fact that operations specifications paragraphs are not separate from the air agency certificate. Any change to the operations specifications paragraphs equates to a change to the repair station certificate issued by the agency under § 145.53(a). When a change is initiated by the certificate holder it should follow the requirements of § 145.57(a). When changes to a repair station certificate are made by the agency, the certificate holder should be made aware of them through appropriate due process measures.

Unfortunately, the changes to operations specifications paragraphs are not handled based upon the regulations. Rather, “policy” for “non-mandatory” changes are initiated regularly as the agency adjusts the language in its internal “automated operations specifications” system. That automated system, with its “mandatory standard” language ignores the legal niceties; it does not differentiate between “operations specifications and limitations as are necessary in the interest of safety” from those paragraphs issued for FAA convenience or internal administrative purposes. For example, paragraphs A101 and A107 are not “necessary in the interest of safety,” they merely help the agency administer its programs by providing information already required of the certificate holder by the regulations. By failing to adhere to the plain language of the regulations that make operations specifications part and parcel of the repair station certificate, the agency has included language in those paragraphs that inadvertently place “limitations” on the certificate holder with no safety justification whatsoever.

While these “non-mandatory” changes that must take place when the foreign repair station certificate is renewed may not create a situation where the air agency certificate was inadvertently limited without a safety justification, the fact remains that a casual announcement to the aviation safety inspector workforce only is not the way to comply with the plain language of the regulations. The association lead the charge (see below) on recommending changes to how operations specifications paragraphs are handled to ensure those created for non-safety-based needs could be clearly distinguished from those that deliberately limit a particular certificate holder because of a documented and substantiated safety necessity. While the agency continues to ignore the industry’s reasonable request, the association remains hopeful that the matter is taken seriously at some time in the future.

In the meantime, repair station certificate holders should understand that “signing” the “new” operations specifications at the agency’s behest equates to a voluntary surrender of the previous repair station certificate and acceptance of whatever limitations come with the new operations specifications paragraphs. The association is aware of times that changes have been made to operations specifications creating substantive limitations on certificate holders in this casual manner.

FSIMS: Revision to Repair Station OpSpecs A101 and D107 in Preparation for UK-EU Transition
Issued 12/11/2020
The Aircraft Maintenance Division has revised OpSpecs A101 and D107 due to the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union (EU), commonly known as Brexit. The UK withdrew from the EU on January 31, 2020. On January 1, 2021, the Maintenance Implementation Procedures (MIP) becomes effective with the UK.


Correspondence with EASA on Prototype Parts

On Dec. 11, ARSA received EASA’s response to the association’s letter relating to release to service under European Union (EU) rules of aircraft with “protype” parts installed following issuance of a design approval (e.g., an EASA STC) consistent with the data referenced on the “prototype” EASA Form 1s.

On Nov. 20 ARSA sent a letter to EASA in response to feedback provided by an association member and EU-based Maintenance Organization Approval Holder (MOAH). The member had been informed during an audit that prototype parts installed during an STC project that were subsequently determined to comply with the approved design did not comply with EASA part 145 in that they did not have an appropriate Form 1 or equivalent, such as an 8130-3, certifying they conformed to the approved data.

ARSA demonstrated for EASA how the Agency’s rules and guidance support such approvals without requiring additional documentation (e.g., a “fresh” EASA Form 1) from the Production Organization Approval Holder (POAH). Under EASA guidance, production organizations typically re-certify prototype items as “NEW” on a fresh Form 1 after the applicable design data has been approved.

ARSA’s Nov. 20 letter concluded that the confusion created by the unfortunate audit finding [in the matter raised by ARSA’s EU-based member] could be addressed by allowing the parts to be installed without the need for a fresh Form 1 once the installer determined the parts conformed to the approved data and were in condition for safe operation. (This is similar to what is permitted under FAA rules.) If a new Form 1 was needed the installer was in the best position to provide it.

In its response, EASA reviewed the relationship between its rules and the 2012 “Good Practices” document released to assist in the first installation of a change to a product. This document was favorably cited by ARSA in its Nov. 20 letter. “[While the ‘Good Practices’ document allows] the maintenance organisation to initially install a component in ‘PROTOTYPE’ status, a re-certification of the component by the appropriate organisation [i.e. the POAH] is needed before the final certificate of release to service.” EASA also stated that the Good Practices document did not override existing regulatory requirements.

EASA invited ARSA to continue in the ongoing dialogue between the affected member organization and the agency. The association will report back to ensure clear communication for maintenance organizations performing relevant work on EU-registered aircraft in support of an EASA STC project.

To read ARSA’s Nov. 20 letter, click here.

To read EASA’s Dec. 11 response, click here.


FAA-EASA BASA Amended, MAG Change 8 Published

On Nov. 19, the Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA) between the United States and the European Union was amended. As anticipated, the maintenance portion of the agreement now applies equally to all EU countries similar to what occurred in 2019 with respect to Annex 1 (i.e., the certification and export airworthiness portion of the agreement). The various EU Aviation Authorities will continue to play an important role in overseeing repair stations located in their countries on behalf of the FAA although several more European authorities will be involved than before.

On the same day, change 8 of the U.S.-EU Maintenance Annex Guidance (MAG 8) was signed; the public copy was recently published on the EASA web site. It will enter into force 120 days after signature, or March 19, 2021. Consistent with the BASA amendment, MAG change 8 removed previous references to the list of EU countries.

Other changes in MAG 8 are:

(1) Consistent with the “G” in MAG, the sample supplements are now officially titled “Guidance for the [EASA or FAA] Supplement.” (However, both continue to be referred to as “samples” elsewhere in the MAG.) Although this is not a substantive change, maintenance organizations continue to be advised to customize their supplements to their particular maintenance operations.
(2) With respect to repair data, rather than having the MAG chase the Technical Implementation Procedures (TIP) on this topic (since approval of repair data is handled under the TIP), MAG change 8 simply refers to the TIP for these provisions. This change was previously requested by ARSA because the TIP and MAG were occasionally “out of synch” on this subject. Repair stations are responsible for knowing the contents of the TIP as it relates to repair (and alteration) data since those provisions are no longer repeated in the MAG.
(3) Similarly, change 8 contains the MAG’s first reference to alteration data, which is also handled under the TIP. This did not address the ARSA-led industry coalition request of Sept. 24 (for EASA to accept FAA minor alteration data for non-critical components other than those installed on an aircraft being imported into the EU). We continue to look forward to a reply from the agencies in the near future (see below for more on that effort).
(4) There were several changes in Section A of the MAG, which covers authority-to-authority communications. The section added two new appendices including Definitions (Appendix 10), procedures for the authorities in exercising initial oversight on behalf of the FAA and other provisions relating to the integration of additional EU countries into the agreement.

There were no clarifying changes to the single EASA release language for U.S. repair stations as requested by the U.S. industry coalition in its Sept. 24 letter. Similar to FAA minor alteration data as described above, the association looks forward to the agencies’ reply in the near future.

To download MAG 8, click here

If you have specific questions or would like to discuss specific elements of MAG 8, visit to submit a query.

Click to access a PDF copy of MAG 8.


COVID Dominates TSA ASAC Meeting

The Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) Aviation Security Advisory Committee (ASAC) held its 2020 public meeting (using video teleconference) on Dec. 10.

Established in 1989 after the Pan Am Flight 103 terrorist attack, ASAC provides advice to the TSA administrator on aviation security matters, including the development, refinement and implementation of policies, programs, rulemaking and directives pertaining to aviation security. The committee is composed of individual members representing private sector organizations affected by aviation security requirements including airlines, cargo carriers, airports and others. ARSA Executive Vice President Christian A. Klein is the maintenance industry’s representative on the panel.

While most ASAC meetings are closed to outsiders to allow for the discussion of sensitive security information, the annual public meeting each December provides an opportunity for a broader audience to learn about ASAC’s activities.

In his opening statement, TSA Administrator David Pekoske expressed his appreciation for ASAC’s work, calling it, “the most representative single group I can turn to on any issue to get advice and counsel on any aviation issue.” He complimented the industry for maintaining a high level of security over the past year despite the various disruptions associated with the global pandemic.

Pekoske discussed the “Administrator’s Intent 2.0” document he released this summer, which describes how TSA intents to achieve its strategic objectives in areas including insider risk, passenger screening and cybersecurity. He also highlighted things TSA has done to respond to COVID-19, including reducing person-to-person contact during the screening process through enhanced identification verification and new x-ray technology. The latter will allow more passengers to pass through security without removing computers and liquids from their bags and reduce the number of manual bag searches.

Pekoske said the Sunday after Thanksgiving was the busiest travel day since mid-April and TSA is projecting another travel spike during the upcoming holiday period. His message to airline passengers is that TSA, airports and airlines are doing everything possible to make passenger journeys as safe as possible. However, prospective travelers should carefully consider expert health advice and weigh risks when making travel decisions.

In his opening remarks, ASAC Chairman Steve Alterman, president of the Cargo Airline Association, called 2020 “a difficult year, but not a lost year” for the committee. He emphasized the importance of ASAC’s seven subcommittees, each co-chaired by an industry and TSA representative, which facilitate collaboration in the key areas: airlines, cargo, general aviation and airport security, international issues, insider threats and security technology. He said the subcommittees are important to further cooperation between government and industry to identify gaps and develop mitigation strategies.

The bulk of the meeting was spent hearing from the various subcommittee chairmen. COVID-19 was a recurring theme in the reports, because it both created new challenges and also disrupted activities of business and government. Despite the pandemic, many subcommittees were able to make progress in key areas. Perhaps most notably, the Insider Threat Subcommittee released a white paper in August dealing with security risks and mitigations related to the pandemic.

Pursuant to 49 CFR part 1554, all FAA-certificated repair stations (except those on U.S. or foreign military bases) are required to comply with TSA security directives and allow unannounced inspections. More information about TSA’s repair station security rules is available at Members with questions or concerns are encouraged to contact ARSA.

Repair Station Security Resources

Fact Sheet Compliance Checklist
Online Training


Part 145 Working Group Preliminary Report

On Dec. 10, the working group tasked by the FAA through the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC) to review and reconcile U.S. repair station regulations and guidance delivered its preliminary report.

The report was presented to ARAC during its December meeting by Working Group Co-Chairs Sarah MacLeod, ARSA executive director, and Ric Peri, Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA) vice president of government & industry affairs. The submission described how the working group conducted and completed the first portion of its task: to review statutes, regulations and guidance impacting U.S. repair stations certificated under 14 CFR part 145 to determine whether there were misalignments between the legal mandates in regulations and the guidance provided by the agency to both its workforce and the public. The report explains how the group researched the numerous documents and determined root causes for “significant misalignments.”

“The FAA’s system for transforming regulations into guidance material for the public and its workforce does not consistently ensure alignment with the plain language and objectives of the myriad statutes and executive orders applicable to agency rulemaking, oversight and enforcement activities,” the report said. “Therefore, the compliance elements sought by the agency in internal and external guidance material are not based upon a reasonable interpretation of the standards established by law.”

To begin addressing its findings, the working group requested ARAC consider providing two interim recommendations to the FAA:

(1) Develop industry and agency workforce training based on the plain language of the regulations and related rulemaking materials.
(2) Change internal guidance to allow inspectors and local office managers to deviate from Order 8900.1, the Flight Standards Information Management System, when its instruction is contrary to or more restrictive than the plain language of the regulations.

The working group now enters the final year of its work. According to its initial tasking, the group’s final report must be submitted within 12 months, i.e., December 2021. That report will include further recommendations to support “performance-based decision making and the agency’s evaluation of those decisions,” according to the congressional mandate that established the tasking. The final set of recommendations will see through the working group’s instruction to ensure all guidance documents:

(1) Align with the regulations as well as U.S. law and applicable executive orders.
(2) Are numbered to establish a relationship between the guidance and the applicable regulation.
(3) Consistently communicate compliance expectations to agency personnel as well as the public.
(4) Consider repair station oversight in the context of the size and work of each certificate holder.

The report was unanimously accepted and referred its contents to the relevant FAA program offices for action.

To read the full preliminary report, click here.

To review previous updates related to the working group, including a list of organizations represented, review the content on


Multidisciplinary Training at HELI-EXPO 2021

In late March 2021, just after completion of the 2021 ARSA Annual Conference, ARSA’s training team will offer a multi-disciplinary slate of options during HAI HELI-EXPO 2021 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Image courtesy HAI. Click for event information.

Sarah MacLeod and Brett Levanto, executive team members of the association (and a managing member and senior team member of the firm of Obadal, Filler, MacLeod & Klein, P.L.C.) will lead a number of professional education courses as well as three “Rotor Safety Challenge” presentations.

Any participant who completes on of their professional education courses (which are provided on behalf of OFM&K) and submits his or her completion certificate to Levanto ( will be given a code to access one free hour of ARSA online training.

Click here to register for the event and stay tuned to for registration information.

Professional Education Courses

Registration is open for professional education sessions, click here to register now.

Note: These sessions are provided by MacLeod and Levanto on behalf of OFM&K and are listed in schedule order.

Creating Careers: Recruiting and Retaining Technical Personnel

Saturday, March 20 – 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. CST

This course reviews the factors surrounding aviation maintenance technician (AMT) career development from both the employer and employee perspectives. We’ll review regulatory matters related to AMT employment, certification, military recruitment, and other personnel management issues, then discuss industry best practices related to long-term career development and retention. The class will also consider larger industry and policy efforts to improve technician career opportunities.

Drug and Alcohol Testing: From Regulatory Basics to Business Needs

Saturday, March 20 – 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST

This course reviews the drug and alcohol testing requirements in Titles 14 (Aeronautics and Space) and 49 (Transportation) of the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). It also provides guidance on setting up these programs, including instruction on how safety-sensitive functions are defined as well as how to avoid many common testing program mistakes that can subject companies to enforcement action.

Going Global: Business Under International Regulatory Law

Sunday, March 21 – 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. CST

This course summarizes the framework for international safety regulation, including how the  International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) allocates regulatory responsibilities among contracting states (countries) and the importance of bilateral aviation safety agreements. These agreements dictate what US companies must do to operate business aircraft or conduct operations in a foreign country for compensation or hire.

Know the Rules Like You Know Your Tools

Sunday, March 21 – 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST

This session covers the FAA’s organization, authority and process for promulgating rules, then walks through the general requirements in 14 CFR to explain how its various components link together in a “regulatory chain” that must be comprehended by aviation businesses. Topics specific to maintenance include part 43 maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding and alteration; part 65, subpart D mechanics (certification); part 65, subpart E repairmen (certification); and part 145 repair stations.

Regulations Affecting Aircraft Part Purchase and Sale

Monday, March 22 – 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. CST

This course reviews the civil aviation regulations in 14 CFR that impact the purchase, sale, receiving, stocking, inspection and installation of civil aviation articles for maintenance purposes. It also overviews other guidance as well as regulatory and contractual requirements that should be considered.

Public Aircraft Operations

Monday, March 22 – 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST

This course provides instruction on the statutory provisions and FAA guidance governing public aircraft operations. It covers the basic requirements for an aircraft to be operated as a public aircraft, what constitutes an eligible governmental function, and the practical implications of using the same aircraft to conduct both civil and public operations. It also discusses the FAA policy regarding operations conducted under contract for a government entity.

Rotor Safety Challenge Sessions

Note: These sessions are provided on behalf of ARSA.

Building a Professional Relationship with the Government

Tuesday, March 23 – 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. CST

This session provides a road map for building a positive relationship with civil aviation authorities. It begins by describing the rules that should always be considered when engaging with aviation safety regulators, then provides instruction on how to introduce your company and maintain consistent contact — not just when there’s a problem. The session concludes by providing strategies for maintaining a professional relationship with regulators.

Best Practices in Maintenance Recordkeeping

Tuesday, March 23 – 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST

This session explores the regulatory responsibilities of creating and maintaining maintenance records. It will help participants to define:

  • Regulatory responsibilities of the operator versus the maintenance provider in creating and maintaining maintenance records
  • How obligations can be shifted by contract but not under aviation safety regulations
  • Maintenance recordkeeping regulations, the documents essential to making airworthiness determinations.

Self Disclosure – Avoiding Self Exposure

Wednesday, March 24 – 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. CST

This session reviews the elements of the FAA’s self-disclosure programs and provides methods for addressing non-compliance with creating unnecessary scrutiny.

Whether you are able to participate in New Orleans or not, much of the material presented ARSA’s team members at HELI-EXPO is available through the association’s online training program. To review the library of available courses and register for immediate access to on-demand sessions, click here.


Beware Fraudulent Checks Claiming ARSA Payment

On Dec. 11, a woman in Jacksonville, Florida alerted ARSA that she had received a fraudulent check bearing the association’s name and bank account information.  A second report from a man in Phoenix, Arizona followed shortly thereafter and additional reports continued throughout the month (some were quite upset with the association for preventing them from fraudulently accessing its money).

Individuals unrelated to ARSA had sent the checks along with convoluted instructions for deposit and use in payment for various services. The association does not issue checks or deposit funds in matters unrelated to its business.

The ARSA team is following up with the appropriate bank personnel and will continue to monitor all accounts. If you receive a check bearing the association’s name and question its validity, contact ARSA.


Protecting Your Inbox (and ARSA’s Reputation)

In early December, multiple ARSA members reported receipt of solicitation emails offering sales of “ARSA Leads” including a professional mailing list of association contacts. ARSA has no relationship with the senders of these messages, has not provided contact lists of any kind to “lead sales” organizations and would never knowingly allow an outside party to solicit its members without clearly explaining the organization’s relationship to the association.

If you receive this or any other outreach claiming an ARSA connection and you are unsure about its validity, contact ARSA Vice President of Operations Brett Levanto.

For a general primer on ARSA communications, review the information below (and keep this post handy):

ARSA Newsletters and Outreach

Member contacts should expect to regularly receive the following general communications from the association:

Weekly: The Dispatch newsletter is distributed every Wednesday (open subscription, member contacts are automatically signed up to receive).
Monthly: The hotline newsletter is distributed the first week of each month (members only).
Various:  Member alerts are distributed as necessary – the association sends them only regarding specific events, activities or updates demanding specific attention.
Membership Term Dependent: Renewal reminders begin flowing out 90 days before the expiration of membership term.

In addition to these large scale distributions, ARSA team members will use their email addresses to coordinate directly with member contacts related to association business and industry matters.

Special Advertiser Distributions

From time to time, ARSA provides a mechanism for sponsors of its Dispatch and hotline newsletters to reach readers directly through sponsored “blast” emails. Allowing this advertising option gives companies a chance to directly show their support of the association and provide useful information and resources to readers. While receiving this message, ARSA subscribers and members should be assured that:

(1) The frequency of special “blast” messages is kept to a minimum. This maintains the special focus provided to advertisers sending the messages and prevents “overload” in readers’ inboxes.
(2) Advertisers are not provided direct access to newsletter subscription lists. Messages are constructed and distributed through ARSA’s partner Multiview, which oversees its periodicals.
(3) ARSA team members review and approve all messages prior to distribution.

For questions about ARSA’s advertising options, including ways to stand up for the association through your company’s support, contact Brett Levanto.

Advertising Solicitations

The only external entity that will contact member organizations on ARSA’s behalf is Multiview, which manages advertising in the association’s newsletters and on its website. Multiview’s sales team will always explain their relationship to ARSA – if you receive a message that does not, contact ARSA.

Spam Filters and Firewalls

It can sometimes be difficult for organizations like ARSA to get messages into your inbox. To ensure you have access to every newsletter, alert and update, ensure that the following domains are on your “safe list”:

To learn more about ARSA’s communications efforts – including how to advertise – visit For assistance with technical issues, consult your organization’s IT department/assistant as necessary.


Welcome & Welcome Back – New & Renewing Members [Full Year]

ARSA’s members give the association life – its work on behalf of the maintenance community depends on the commitment of these organizations. Here’s to the companies that joined or renewed in 2020.

New Members


Acme Aerospace, Inc., R01
Talon Aviation, Inc. dba Talon Air, R01
Michael Daniel, Edu


Heliblade, LLC, R01
MTU Maintenance Dallas, Inc., R02
Precision Turbine Services LLC, R01
Reliable Jet Maintenance, R03
The Mag Shop LLC, R01


ALOFT AeroArchitects, R05
C&C Aerosystems, LLC, R01
Latitude Aero, LLC, R01
Southeast Turbines Corporation, R01
STS Repair & Modification, LLC, R05


Fargo Jet Center, R04


Pearl River Community College, EDU


Aerospace Welding Minneapolis, Inc., R01
GE Aviation, Corp


A Plus Avionics Corp. dba AvionTEq, R01
G&S Instruments & Accessories, Corp., R01


James W. Mason, EDU


ECOLIFT Corporation, R02

Renewing Members (Member Since)


1st Choice Aerospace, Inc, R02, 2006
AeroParts Manufacturing & Repair, Inc., R04, 2016
Airborne Maintenance and Engineering Services, Inc., R06, 2010
Airbus North America, Inc., Assoc, 1995
Aircraft Component Repair, Inc., R03, 1987
Airgroup Dynamics, Inc., R03, 2007
Air Shunt Instruments, Inc., R02, 1999
Alpha Aircraft Services of America, R01, 2012
ATP USA, Inc, R01, 2017
Av8 Group dba Av8 MRO, LLC, R01, 2014
Avborne Accessory Group, Inc.-dba Avborne Component Solutions, R04, 2013
Aviation Instruments Repair Specialists (AIRS), Inc., R03, 1994
AvidAir Helicopter Supply, Inc., R01, 2011
Brothers Aviation Maintenance Services, Inc., R01, 2010
C&S Propeller, LLC, R01, 2016
Central Cylinder Service, Inc., R01, 1985
Continental Aircraft Support, Inc., R03, 2004
Flight Level Components LLC, R01, 2017
Fortner Accessory Service Corp., R01, 2002
Honda Aircraft Company, LLC, R04, 2018
INAir Aviation Services Company, R02, 2003
Mid-Continent Instrument Co., Inc. dba Mid-Continent, R04, 1998
Ohlinger Industries, Inc., R04, 2006
Rapco, Inc., Assoc, 1990
Rocky Mountain Propellers, Inc., R01, 2019
S.E.A.L. Aviation, LLC, R03, 2014
Skytech Aviation, Inc., R01, 2013
Southwest Turbine Inc., R02, 2018
StandardAero Alliance, Inc., Corp, 2010
Team J.A.S., Inc., R02, 2004
TPS Aerospace, LLC, dba Aviation Industry Repair, R02, 2015


Aero Tire & Tank, LLC, R01, 2012
Aerotech Engineering Consultants, Affil, 2016
Airborne Maintenance and Engineering Services, Inc., R06, 2010
Air-Cert, LLC, R01, 1990
Aircraft Armature Inc. dba TSA Rewinds Florida, Inc., R02, 2019
Aircraft & Component Technical Services, R01, 2009
All Nippon Airways Company, Ltd., Assoc, 2001
Carbon Component Tech Services, LLC, R01, 2019
Cobalt Aero Services, R01, 2012
Compressed Gas Systems, LLC, R02, 2012
Corporate Service Supply & Manufacturing, R01, 2016
Denton Aviation Consulting,inc, R01, 2015
EMC Aerospace Inc. dba Velocity Aerospace-NMB, Inc, R03, 2017
Helicopter Services, Inc., R01, 2019
Helimax Aviation, Inc., R04, 2019
Thomson Aerospace & Defense / Linear Motion LLC, R01, 2010
Lufthansa Technik AG, Corp, 2001
Mingo Aerospace, LLC, R03, 2005
Moog, Inc., Corp, 1997
The NORDAM Group LLC, Corp, 1984
Rolls-Royce On-Wing Services, R04, 2015
SAFRAN Power USA, LLC, R02, 2006
Turbine Controls, Inc., R04, 1988


24Jets dba Alirio Aircraft Services, Inc., R01, 2019
Advanced Composite Structures Florida, LLC, R03, 2015
Aerospace Turbine Rotables, R01, 2016
Aircraft Tooling, Inc., R02, 2004
Asko Processing, Inc., R04, 1996
Avionics Shop, Inc., R01, 2011
Barfield Precision Electronics, LLC, R04, 1996
Cargo Systems, Inc., R01, 1999
Carpe Diem Aviation Services of Missouri, Inc., R02, 2012
Consolidated Turbine Specialists, LLC, R03, 2018
Darrell Irby/Tarrant County College, Edu, 2017
Earp Aviation Repairs LLC, R01, 2019
Erickson, Inc., R05, 1997
Harman’s Repair Station, Inc., R01, 2012
LAUNCH Technical Workforce Solutions, R01, 2019
Liebherr-Aerospace Saline, Inc., R05, 2006
LORD Corporation, R04, 2002
Master Air Parts, Inc., R01, 2013
Nelson Engineering Co., R02, 2013
Russell Buckley, Affil, 2013
S3 Repair Services, LLC, R01, 2010
Signature Aviation, Corp, 2013
SONICO, Inc., R03, 1995
Stein Seal Company, R02, 2017
Tailwind Inspection, Inc., R01, 2006
Thales Avionics, Inc., R04, 2006
Vanguard Aerospace, LLC, R01, 2016
Western Aero Repair, Inc., R03, 2011
Windsor Airmotive West Chester Division-Barnes Aerospace, R04, 1995
World Class Accessory, Inc., R01, 2007


Accurate Accessories, R01, 2002
ACSS Repair & Overhaul, R02, 2002
AEE-EMF, Inc. d.b.a. Aircraft Electrical Electronics, R01, 2009
AERO Component Repair, LLC, R01, 2011
Aero-Craft Hydraulics, Inc., R03, 1988
Aerospace Quality Research & Development 145, LLC, R01, 2006
Aery Aviation, LLC, Assoc, 2019
AerSale, Inc.-Aero Mechanical Industries, R04, 2011
AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corp., R05, 2012
Aircraft Electric Motors, Inc., R04, 1984
AMETEK B&S Aircraft Parts & Accessories, R03, 1985
Aviation Avionics & Instruments, Inc., R03, 2012
Barfield, Inc., R05, 1995
E.B. Airfoils, LLC., R03, 2001
Ford Instruments & Accessories, LLC, R01, 2012
Rotortech Services Inc., R02, 2019
SkyWest Airlines, Assoc, 2010
Star Aviation, Inc., R01, 2012
The Giles Group, Affil, 2013
WGI, Inc. dba Westfield Gage Company Overhaul and Repair, R03, 2018


AeroRepair Corp., R03, 2012
A.O.G. Reaction, Inc., R02, 1993
Aviation Safety Products, R01, 2013
Eastern Airlines Technic Co., Ltd., R04, 2017
Precision Aircraft Services, R02, 2018
IAR Technical Services LLC, R03, 2017
L. J. Walch Co., Inc., R03, 1985
Metro Aviation, Inc., Assoc, 2003
NAASCO Northeast Corporation, R02, 2002
Pennsylvania State University, R01, 2016
QAI Aerospace, R02, 2012
Southwest Aerospace Technologies, R01, 2019
Spirit AeroSystems, Inc., R04, 2005
Toledo Jet Center, LLC, R03, 2010
Twin Manufacturing Co., dba TWIN MRO, R04, 1993


Aerospace Engineering Group, S.L., R03, 2014
Aeroworx, R02, 2010
Air Transport Components LLC, R04, 2015
Aircraft Specialties, Inc., R03, 2019
Aviation Repair Resources, Inc., R02, 2009
Chromalloy, Corp, 1993
Fleet Support Services, Inc., R01, 2013
Helicopter Services of Nevada LLC, R01, 2005
Houston Aircraft Instruments, Inc., R01, 2002
Jared Britt-SUU Aviation, Edu, 2017
Jet Center MFR, R02, 2006
MT Texas, LLC, R03, 1990
Ozark Aeroworks, LLC, R02, 2015
Pac West Helicopters, Inc., R02, 2009
Pacific Aero Tech, LLC, R04, 1994
Pacific Aerospace, LLC, R01, 2005
Performance Repair Group, R02, 2013
Piedmont Propulsion Systems, LLC, R03, 2011
Scott Richard Aircraft Maintenance, R02, 2010
Signature Engines, Inc., R01, 2003
SAFETECH USA, INC.- Humble, R02, 2002
Southwest Airlines, R06, 2005
TAE Aerospace, Inc., R01, 2019
The Aviation Group, Inc., R01, 2011
Triumph Airborne Structures LLC, Corp, 2003


AeroKool Aviation Corporation, R04, 2017
AllFlight Corp., R03, 2011
Ameron Global Product Support, R02, 2004
Bemidji Aviation Services, Inc., R04, 2017
Boeing Company, Corp., 1996
Calvin Taff Electronics, Inc., R01, 2003
EXTEX Engineered Products-A Kaman Company, Assoc, 2002
Gyro Specialist, Inc., R01, 2011
Honeywell International, Inc, Corp., 1996
Lynden Air Cargo, LLC, Assoc, 2000
MTU Maintenance Hannover GmbH, R06, 2007
R.W. Raddatz, Inc., R02, 2004
Reb Technologies Inc. DBA Rebtech, R02, 2003
Rotorcraft, Inc, R01, 2019
Skyteam International Company, R01, 2006
Sunshine Aero Industries, Inc., R01, 2003
Southwest Airmotive Corp, R01, 2012
Texas Air Services, Inc., R02, 2003
The Zee Company Inc., R02, 2019
Turbine Standard Ltd, R03, 2003
Warner Propeller and Governor Co., LLC, R01, 2010
Wencor, Corp., 2018


Aero-Mark MRO, LLC-dba Certified Aviation Services, R02, 2015
Aerotron AirPower, Inc. dba Fokker Aerotron, R04, 1990
Aircraft Lighting International, R01, 2018
Aircraft Systems Division of Com-Jet Corp, R03, 2011
Airframe Components by Williams, Inc., R02, 2003
Arista Aviation Services, LLC, R04, 2018
Aviation Repair Solutions, Inc., R02, 2006
C J Aviation, Inc., R02, 2017
CorpAir Supply Company, Inc. dba AVMATS, R02, 2001
Cox Airparts, LLC, R01, 2012
CrossPoint Testing and Inspection, R01, 2019
Eagle Creek Aviation Services, R04, 2016
E.U.A. Air Support, Inc., R01, 2003
F&E Aircraft Maintenance (Miami) LLC dba FEAM, R06, 2012
Flight Deck Specialists, Inc., R01, 2002
General MRO Aerospace, Inc., R03, 1989
Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, Corp, 1999
HEICO Aerospace Corporation, Corp, 1992
Jordan Propeller Service, Inc., R02, 2002
Marvel-Schebler Aircraft Carburetors, LLC, R02, 2011
Millennium International, R02, 2013
National Flight Services, Inc., R03, 1991
NFF Avionics Services, Inc., R01, 2010
Pacific Turbine Brisbane, R03, 2018
Paz Aviation, Inc., R02, 2016
Regional Avionics Repair, LLC, R02, 2006
S & T Aircraft Accessories, Inc., R02, 2003
Tech-Aire Instruments, Inc., R01, 2012
Unicorp Systems, Inc., R03, 2003
Unipak Aviation, LLC, R02, 2003


AE & C Services. LLC, R02, 2017
Aero Design Services, Inc., Affil, 2000
Aero Instruments & Avionics, Inc., R04, 1991
AerSale, Inc. dba AerSale Component Solutions, R03, 2009
AerSale, Inc.-Goodyear, R04, 2015
Air Cargo Equipment, Inc., R01, 2010
Air Technology Engines, Inc., R02, 2006
Aircraft Ducting Repair, Inc., R03, 2002
Alticor, Inc., R02, 2018
Ametek Ameron, LLC dba Ameron Global Product Support, R01, 1989
Arkwin Industries, Inc., R02, 1994
AAR Corp, Corp, 1985
Bridger Aviation Repair LLC, R01, 2019
Commercial Jet, Inc., R04, 1999
Cross-Check Aviation, R03, 2003
Curtiss Wright Controls, Inc., R03, 2003
Dan Brauhn-Indian Hills Community College, EDU, 2015
Federal Express Corporation, Assoc, 2000
Fieldtech Avionics & Instruments, Inc., R04, 2016
Florida Jet Center, Inc., R02, 2013
Hot Section Technologies, Inc. , R01, 2017
International Turbine Industries, LLC, R02, 2010
JET Aircraft Maintenance, Inc., R04, 2010
Miami Aircraft Structures, Inc., R01, 2003
Nampa Valley Helicopters, Inc., R02, 1993
Palm Beach Aircraft Propellers, Inc., R02, 2001
Safran Nacelles Services Americas, R02, 2017
SAI Flight Support Company, R01, 2016
Schaeffler Aerospace USA Corporation, R02, 2012
SIA Engineering Company, Ltd., R06, 1997
Thomas Global Systems, LLC, R01, 2012
TMx Aero, LLC, R01, 2018
Turbine Weld Industries, LLC, R03, 2004
Unical 145, Inc., R04, 2012
Zee Company, Inc., R02, 2019


1st Choice Aerospace, Inc, R03, 2006
Aeronautical Technology, Inc. dba Precision Aero Technology, R03, 1993
Aerospace Turbine Rotables, Inc., R04, 2011
Airborne Maintenance & Engineering Services dba PEMCO World Air Services, R05, 2014
Aircraft Inspection Services, Inc., R01, 2013
Airforce Turbine Service, Ltd., R02, 2010
Airfrance Industries-KLM Engineering & Maintenance, Assoc, 2010
Airgroup Dynamics, Inc., R03, 2007
AOG Aircraft Services Inc., R01, 2018
Aviation Blade Services Inc., R02, 2018
First Aviation Services, Inc., R02, 2018
Camtronics, LLC, R03, 2012
Columbia Helicopters, Inc., R06, 1998
DART Aerospace, R02, 2018
Dassault Falcon Jet do Brazil, R02, 2010
Dassault Falcon Jet – Wilmington Corp., R05, 2002
Empire Airlines, Inc. d/b/a Empire Aerospace, R03, 2002
Engine Disassembly Services, Inc. dba Engine Overhaul Services, R01, 2018
EuroTec Vertical Flight Solutions, LLC, R02, 2004
First Aviation Services, Inc., Assoc, 2018
First Class Air Repair, R02, 2016
Gateway Alliance Co. dba Affinity Aeronautical Solutions, LLC, R01, 2018
Global Parts Aero Services, R01, 2012
Gulf Aerospace, Inc., R02, 2005
HAECO Americas, Corp, 2000
IBM Flight Operations, Assoc, 1997
Intrepid Aerospace, Inc., R02, 2016
Midway Aircraft Instrument Corporation dba Midwest Aerospace, R02, 2004
Midwest Turbine Service, LLC, R01, 2015
MTI Aviation, Inc., R01, 2011
Peter Stonefield, Affil, 2018
Raytheon Technologies Corporation, Corp, 1997
Soniq Aerospace, LP, R01, 2016
Structural Evaluation Technologies Inc. dba SETAero, R02, 2018
Talon Aviation, Inc. dba Talon Air, R01, 2020
Tennessee Aircraft Company, Inc., R01, 2012
Turbines, Inc., R02, 2017
Yuba-Sutter Aviation, R01, 2018


Aero Products Component Services, Inc., R03
Airborne Maintenance and Engineering Services, Inc., R06
Alaska Airlines, Assoc
CanRep Inc., R02
Component Repair Technologies, Inc., R05
Fire-Tec Aero Systems, LLC, R02
Gyros Unlimited dba North Bay Aviation, R03
Heliblade, LLC, R01
Helicopter Accessory Service East Inc., R01
MRO Holdings, Corp
Inflatables International, Inc., R01
Nelson Engineering Co., R02
Rapco Fleet Support, Inc., R01
SC Accessories, LLC, R02
SDM Avionics LLC, R01
Team Aerospace, Inc., R01
Trace Aviation, R02


Acme Aerospace, Inc., R01, 2020
AvidAir Helicopter Supply, Inc., R01, 2011
Citadel Completions, LLC, R04, 2018
Corporate Service Supply & Manufacturing , R01, 2016
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Inc., R01, 2012
Fortner Accessory Service Corp., R01, 2002
Marengo, Mel , Edu, 2019
Papillon Airways, R03, 2011
PPG Industries Inc.-dba PPG Aerospace Transparencies, R02, 2005
Repairtech International, Inc., R03, 1992
Rocky Mountain Propellers, Inc., R01, 2019
SkyWest Airlines, Inc., Assoc, 2010
StandardAero Alliance, Inc., Corp, 2010
STS Aviation Group, Corp, 2020


Final Documents/Your Two Cents

This list includes Federal Register publications, such as final rules, Advisory Circulars and policy statements, as well as proposed rules and policies of interest to ARSA members from December 2020.

To view the list, click here.


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2020 in Review

Each story will take you to the hotline in which it appeared (which means readers should beware the timeliness of references and seek follow up on key issues).

April 3: Ahead, Alongside and Behind

There’s no manual for handling a crisis of the magnitude being confronted; as one U.S. governor commented, “we’re building the plane as we’re flying it.” Unfortunately, the maintenance industry and ARSA are no strangers to crisis management.

Sept. 4: How ARSA Works

More than six years ago, the “evolving” perspective of an FAA inspector helped give birth to the phrase “ARSA Works.” In August – just like every other month – the association demonstrated what that means.

Nov. 6: Another Lifetime

ARSA Executive Director Sarah MacLeod reflects on her Aviation Week Lifetime Achievement Award for MRO and — in deep gratitude — explains she was born and bred to represent the industry.


ARSA Works

All Year: Anti-Viral Measures

For the use of its members and the larger aviation community, ARSA is maintaining this public webpage as a resource for pandemic-related updates on policy initiatives and business needs. It is the association’s central point of communication on the topic.

March 3: GAO Workforce Report Can Be Resource for Industry

The report was developed by direction of section 624 of the FAA reauthorization law, which had been championed by ARSA. In working with Congress to develop the relevant language, the association drew on its experience dealing with a confusing maze of government resources and the struggle to better organize data for tracking aviation maintenance personnel.

May 5: ARSA-led Petition Would Provide FAA Path to Reciprocal Acceptance

Fourteen aviation trade associations joined ARSA in delivering a petition for rulemaking to the FAA to amend 14 CFR part 43. The requested amendment would provide the FAA flexibility to accept foreign maintenance organization certificates – without issuing its own certification under part 145 – by authorizing such acceptance in the United States’ bilateral aviation safety agreements.

Sept. 4: Enough is Enough for Repairman Denials

ARSA took the unusual step of requesting its management firm – Obadal, Filler, MacLeod & Klein, P.L.C. – seek to intervene with the NTSB on behalf its part 121, 135 and 145 applicant and certificate-holding members who seek to obtain repairman certificates for qualified individuals.

Oct. 2: Industry Comments on FAA Grant Program Implementation

ARSA and seven allied organizations filed comments Sept. 23 regarding the FAA’s implementation of the new aviation workforce development grant program. The industry sought agency improvements regarding three elements of its plan for the program.


Legal Briefs

July 2: Pandemic Recovery Tax Resources

With the industry responding to (and recovering from) ongoing pandemic-related economic disruptions, ARSA is finding resources on legal topics members need, including business and tax laws.

Aug. 7: Sticks, Stones and Electronic Records

It seems that technology has advanced to the point where we get so nervous about the medium that we lose the message.

Oct. 2: Lawyers Ruin Everything…

Understanding the stark realities of the law and justice – and recognizing the humanity of those who practice one and pursue the other – is fundamental to ARSA’s work.

Nov. 6: …Except When They Don’t

Recognizing — and taking charge of — your own legal and regulatory obligations is necessary to aviation business success.


ARSA on the Hill

Feb. 7: Full Funding for the Workforce Grant Programs

2019 ended on a high note for ARSA, as Congress appropriated full funding for new aviation maintenance workforce grant program that ARSA led the charge to create as part of the 2018 FAA reauthorization bill.

June 5: What’s Next?

As lawmakers debate whether and how to provide additional relief for pandemic-related economic disruptions, ARSA has been hard at work on the maintenance industry’s behalf.

Nov. 6: The People Have Spoken

Without yet having official results in the U.S. presidential election, Executive Vice President Christian Klein explained why ARSA’s work doesn’t depend on who occupies any elective office (but why those offices matter).


Getting Facetime

April 3: All That Happened

From the White House to Capitol Hill to back at the Ritz-Carlton, Conference week kept everyone busy.

Aug. 7: Save the Date for the 2021 Annual Conference

While the association works to ensure a valuable, substantively-enriching experience for all of its attendees, members and colleagues should make sure their calendars are blocked for March 9-12, 2021 (and register to attend).

Oct. 2: MacLeod talks ‘Regulatory Ramifications’

ARSA Executive Director Sarah MacLeod presented for MRO Asia-Pacific Virtual. MacLeod dipped into her decades of global aviation experience to explore the implications of current events and future development in the industry.

Dec. 7: Looking Back to Move Forward on Workforce Policy

On Nov. 10, ARSA Vice President of Operations Brett Levanto participated in Global ATS-V. The international event was the online replacement for multiple aviation training trade shows overseen annually by the Halldale Group. Levanto and Ryan Goertzen of ARSA enterprise member AAR Corp. provided context and perspective on repair station workforce needs in their session on “The Impact of COVID-19 on Staffing Today and Tomorrow.”



Feb. 7: Showing Class – CRT University Begins First Semester

ARSA Member and 2020 Conference Gold Sponsor Component Repair Technologies, of Mentor, Ohio, launched the first semester of CRT University, an onsite associate degree program in partnership with Lorain County Community College. CRT and LCCC developed a program specifically tailored to employees who are interested in obtaining a technical degree while leveraging the knowledge and expertise gained through employment and on-the-job experience.

June 5: Industry Leaders Voice ARSA’s Value

In support of its ongoing membership recruitment and retention efforts, ARSA has released a new video featuring leading association members discussing the aspects of the association they consider most valuable.

Nov. 6: Fortner Leadership Will Balance Long Experience with New Energy

At its 2020 annual meeting, ARSA’s board of directors elected Gary Fortner to the association’s senior volunteer leadership position.

Dec. 7: Greasy Hands & Complex Problem Solving — 2020 Scholarship Winner C. Owen Ritzman

In November, ARSA awarded its 2020 scholarship to C. Owen Ritzman of Southern Utah University. Ritzman is an AMT student whose love of getting his hands dirty is matched only by his excitement at solving complex engineering problems.

Dec. 7: ARSA Remembers — Leo Weston

On Nov. 28, Leo Weston, whose passion for aviation began in high school, spanned the world and lasted until his final days, passed away at home.



March 3: FAA Announces Overhaul of IA Course Acceptance

ARSA’s existing list of online training sessions accepted for IA renewal credit will remain available until 2023 (the end of March – which denotes the end of the IA renewal year – is coming fast, so review the association’s sessions today).

April 3: Can You Define “Appliance”?

A series of three 15-minute sessions critically reading the regulations in 14 CFR. The sessions use the term “appliance,” which appears in countless places across the aviation safety rules, as the focus on this exploration.

July 2: From the FAA – Maintenance Error

This agency-provided course is available via It considers the error-prone nature of human beings and system influences on performance, then applies general concepts to a real-life case study.

Sept. 4: Part 65 – Getting a Repairman’s Certificate 

See this session on 14 CFR part 65, subpart E, and review ARSA’s other training resources related to “Airmen Other than Flight Crewmembers.”


A Member Asked

May 5: Approved or Accepted?

What is the functional difference between FAA approval and FAA acceptance?

July 2: Record Store?

The repair station is looking at electronic record keeping to save physical space. Do the records have to be signed electronically or can they be signed/filled out manually and then scanned for electronic storage?

Aug. 7: Training Approval?

ARSA doesn’t always know how to battle ignorance of customers (or inspectors or anyone else), but it has thoughts on answering questions of the “legality” of approved training.


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ARSA strives to provide resources to educate the general public about the work of the association’s member organizations; should you need to provide a quick reference or introductory overview to the global MRO industry, please utilize

Anti-Viral Measures

For the use of its members and the larger aviation community, ARSA is maintaining this page as a resource for pandemic-related updates on policy initiatives and business needs. It is the association’s central point of communication on the topic

H.R. 5119 – Contract Maintenance Under Attack

Help combat a bill introduced in the U.S. Congress that would disrupt the global aviation industry.

Quick Question Portal

See what ARSA has asked and what’s been answered and participate in the conversation about what’s going on in the aviation maintenance world.

Industry News Roundup

ARSA monitors media coverage on aviation maintenance to spread the word about the valuable role repair stations play globally by providing jobs and economic opportunities and in civic engagement. These are some of this month’s top stories highlighting the industry’s contributions. You can explore these stories through ARSA’s Dispatch news portal.

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Industry Calendar

Conference Dates Location
MRO Middle East Summit & Expo 3/1-3/2021 Dubai, UAE
ARSA Annual Conference 3/9-12/2021 Washington, DC
AEA International Convention & Trade Show 3/18-18/2021 Dallas, TX
HAI Heli-Expo 3/22-25/2021 New Orleans, LA
World Aviation Training Summit (23rd) 4/20-22/2021 Orlando, FL
Aviation Safety Infoshare 4/20-22/2021 St. Louis, MO
MRO Americas 4/27-29/2021 Orlando, FL
EASA-FAA International Aviation Safety Conference 6/2021 TBD
MRO BEER 6/2021 Istanbul, Turkey
RAA 45th Annual Convention 9/25-28/2021 Phoenix, AZ
Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) 10/12-14/2021 Las Vegas, NV
MRO Europe 10/19-21/2021 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

the hotline is the monthly publication of the Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA), the not-for-profit international trade association for certificated repair stations. It is for the exclusive use of ARSA members and federal employees on the ARSA mailing list. For a membership application, please call 703.739.9543 or visit This material is provided for educational and informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal, consulting, tax or any other type of professional advice. Law, regulations, guidance and government policies change frequently. While ARSA updates this material, we do not guarantee its accuracy. In addition, the application of this material to a particular situation is always dependent on the facts and circumstances involved. The use of this material is therefore at your own risk. All content in the hotline, except where indicated otherwise, is the property of ARSA. This content may not be reproduced, distributed or displayed, nor may derivatives or presentations be created from it in whole or in part, in any manner without the prior written consent of ARSA. ARSA grants its members a non-exclusive license to reproduce the content of the hotline. Employees of member organizations are the only parties authorized to receive a duplicate of the hotline. ARSA reserves all remaining rights and will use any means necessary to protect its intellectual property.

© 2021 Aeronautical Repair Station Association

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